Billyard Genealogy: Arlenia Billyard

Arlenia Billyard (1887-1887)   

Parents: Charles H. Biliard (1840-1911) & Rachael Wybra (b. 1847)

Siblings (15): R V Billyard (1869-1893), William Okie Billyard (b. 1871), Jennifer Bell Billyard (b. 1875), Sarah Billyard (b. 1877), Stella Billyard (b. 1878), Arthur C. Billyard (1881-1882), Walter Billyard (b. 1883), Nellie Mable Billyard (b. 1884), Charles Earnest Billyard (b. 1886), Reuben Billyard (b. 1888), Franklin Henry Pardee Billyard (half) (b. 1859), Alice Hannah Billyard (half) (b. 1861), Clara Electa Billyard (half) (b. 1863), Henry Billyard (half) (1865-1913), Mary Rosanna Bishop (half) (1863-1892)

Life Events:
1887Aug   Born      [1]
  "Sep 14   [0y, 1m] Died      [1]
  " Buried in Riverside Cemetery, Dunnville, Ontario, Canada      [1, 2]

Notes According to [1], Arlenia was a month old, although [3] states that she was 5 weeks old and that she died 6 September 1887.

          Ancestral Chart Relationship Algorithm Ancestral vitals

   [1] - Riverside Cemetery Records (via Ron Carnes)
   [2] - Haldimand County Master Cemetery Index
   [3] - Ontario Death Registry for Arlenor Billyard (1887:05891)

Last updated 4 Feb 2025 by Andrew Billyard

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