Life Events:
[Year] | [Date] | [Age] | [Event] |
| 1622 | | | Mar 10 (JC) |
Born in England [1] |
| " | | | Mar 10 (JC) |
Christened in England [1] |
| 1659 | | | (JC) |
[35-36y] |
Died in Warwick, Rhode Island, United States [2] |
- When Peter drowned in 1659, he was married but with no children. His heir was his wife Mary, but after she passed away, their belongings were willed to Peter's nephew Peter (his older brother's son).
- Note that at this time, the United States was known as “British America”
[1] - Watson Kirkconnell, 1976, "Climbing the Green Tree and Some Other Branches", Watson Kirkconnell, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
[2] - Inferred from Watson Kirkconnell, 1976, "Climbing the Green Tree and Some Other Branches", Watson Kirkconnell, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.
Last updated 10 Dec 2024 by Andrew Billyard
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