Billyard Genealogy: Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark (1828-1891)

Parents: John Clark (b. 1797) & Elizabeth X (b. 1797)

Siblings (4): Joseph Clark (b. 1822), Martha Clark (b. 1832), Elizabeth Clark, Lydia Clark (b. 1837)

Spouse: Caroline Aldridge (b. 1827)

Children (5): Ellen Clark (b. 1861), Arthur Clark (b. 1865), Alfred Clark (b. 1866), Esther Clark (b. 1869), Richard Clark (b. 1873)

Life Events:
1828-1829 Born in St Ippollitts, Hertfordshire, England      [1, 2]
1841 [12-13y] Lived in Thisley Farm, St Ippollitts, Hertfordshire, England      [1]
1851 [22-23y] Married Caroline Aldridge (b. 1827)      [4]
 Marriage registered in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, in the 1st quarter of 1851.
~1861   [32-33y]   - birth of daughter Ellen Clark (b. 1861) in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
~1865   [36-37y]   - birth of son Arthur Clark (b. 1865) in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
~1866   [37-38y]   - birth of son Alfred Clark (b. 1866) in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
~1869   [40-41y]   - birth of daughter Esther Clark (b. 1869) in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
~1873   [44-45y]   - birth of son Richard Clark (b. 1873) in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
1881 [52-53y] Lived in Bethel Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England      [2]
1891 [62-63y] Died      [3]

Census information:
Census Name Age Birth Occ.
1841 Daniel Clark 12 Hertfordshire  
1881      '' 53 Hertfordshire St. Ippollitts Gardener


          Descendant Chart Relationship Algorithm Ancestral vitals

   [1] - 1841 Census [Ippollitts (1), Hertfordshire, England, row 21]
   [2] - 1881 Census [Hitchin (2), Hertfordshire, England, row 13]
   [3] - 1891 Census
   [4] - English Marriage Index for Daniel Clark and Caroline Aldridge (GRO Q1 1851, Hitchin registration district, v6 p715)

Last updated 10 Dec 2024 by Andrew Billyard

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