Billyard Genealogy: Kent-Billyad

John Kent (b. 1699)

Occupation: Husbandman (1724)

Spouse: Mary Billyad (b. 1702)

Life Events:
1699 Born
1724 Feb 8 (JC)  [25-26y] Married Mary Billyad (b. 1702) in Newark Upon Trent, Nottinghamshire, England
 Marriage location is not exact. According to [1], they were married at "Cromwell, Newark, or Moorhouse".

Notes John's marriage licence states that he was from Tuxford, Nottinghamshire, England.


   [1] - Abstracts of Nottinhamshire marriage licences, Archdeacon's Court, 1701-1753, Volume II, Part I.

Last updated 15 Sep 2024 by Andrew Billyard

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